Experience the future of sustainable energy with Dogpatch Biofuels' cutting-edge biofuel blend. This innovative fuel consists of blends from R99 to RB20.
At its core, this blend has been engineered for superior performance. With enhanced lubricity compared to renewable diesel alone, our blend not only ensures a smooth ride but is designed to improve your fleet's performance. Boasting Carbon Intensity (CI) scores that outshine petroleum diesel, our blend slashes carbon emissions by up to a staggering 60%, demonstrating an unparalleled commitment to environmental preservation.
Moreover, our Ultra Clean Diesel Blend adheres to rigorous standards, meeting all ASTM requirements, including the D975 diesel standard. This means it's a ready-to-use, drop-in, fuel, requiring no modifications to your vehicles or equipment. Its seamless integration into existing systems makes adopting sustainable practices effortlessly convenient.